Maxime Weber (SW): Google Adwords expert
Maxime Weber, founder and manager of the SW agency, shares simple methods to optimise advertising campaigns. Focus – Web Marketing
What are the keys to a good online campaign?
All campaigns are based on statistical analysis and a measure of return on investment. For B2B campaigns, the hardest part is managing to put a value on the campaign’s objectives - making contact, requesting a quote or even uploading a CV online. For e-commerce, the process is simpler because it involves measuring an order which has been confirmed and paid for. We need to manage to build awareness among decision makers who can’t always measure the scope of a simple challenger who better understands Google Adwords. I also think that the priority should be the conveyed message, as for any advertising campaign, and that the quality of the landing page is paramount. In many cases, sending traffic to your site’s homepage is not the best option.
« For most advertisers, the next challenge lies in multi-device management»
What are the most efficient channels? (Google, LinkedIn, Facebook, etc.)?
Google Adwords is efficient in many cases. The cost-per-click advertising principle when searching on Google is a revolution. Facebook Ads also provides incredible and extremely cost-effective advertising targeting. However, it’s difficult to compare Google and Facebook because their statistical frameworks are different. I managed to use a point of comparison recently with a video promotion campaign on YouTube and Facebook; the best performance was on YouTube via Adwords. All things considered, Bing Ads is also an interesting element in addition to Google Adwords. As for LinkedIn, it provides formats and targeting which no other competitor can offer. But it involves bigger budgets and a way of working which can’t be compared to other platforms.
How has Google Adwords developed over the last few years?
Diversification! That’s the keyword. There hasn’t been any complexification, but the wide range of campaigns and media available make it difficult for one person to fully master Adwords. And a company will always struggle to set up processes to keep expertise in-house. So companies need to learn continuously and to get feedback on new features to be able to benefit as quickly as possible or to move on, if it’s more a commercial innovation than anything else. For most advertisers, the next challenge lies in multi-device management which makes tracking and ROI much more difficult. Facebook is one step ahead in this regard.