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Didier Huard and Mériadec Portier (Banque Transatlantique Luxembourg): the bank for French expatriates

Founded in 1881 by Eugène Pereire, Banque Transatlantique opened its Luxembourg branch in 1989. An interview with Didier Huard, Managing Director and Mériadec Portier, Director.

Can you tell us about your bank in a few words?

Founded by the Crédit Mutuel de l’Est, it was taken over by Banque Transatlantique in 2002. We enjoy strong support from the French group, of which we remain a subsidiary. As a private bank, asset management represents our core business. We also offer our clients mortgage loans or advances against securities. Our clients are mainly located throughout the European Community and the UK. They can rely on a responsive, agile and experienced partner, with a team of over 35 people. Since 2008, our assets have tripled and next year, we will celebrate 30 years in business. 

«We believe that innovation should strengthen relationships with our clients.»

How have your clients’ expectations changed?

Three major trends can be identified among our clients. Firstly, protection of their capital. Luxembourg, with its AAA rating, growth and stable public debt provides a maximum guarantee of stability in this area. Clients then want to continue enjoying a close, personalised relationship with their banker. In the current digital era, we are definitely technophiles, however we believe that innovation should strengthen relationships with our clients, not virtualise them. Using an app means you can view your accounts anywhere in the world, whenever you want, but our investment advice focuses on human relations in the long term. The final trend is that clients are seeking a hub to keep their assets stable while they are abroad. We position ourselves as a pivot, coordinating their asset strategy as their projects develop. They see our bank as a trusted partner in the heart of Europe, able to use a wide range of the most cutting-edge financial tools for passive or active strategies: life assurance, funds, and private equity. Banque Transatlantique is the hub that our expatriates are looking for.

What outlook do you see for the medium term?

Having anticipated regulatory courses and applied them strictly, we remain confident about the future. Our recommenders, intra-group contacts and clients all appreciate our working methods - professionalism, expertise, responsiveness and availability are the watchwords of our customer service. We care greatly about our clients, as their satisfaction is our top priority. In terms of human resources and preparing calmly for the future, we are counting on the new generation, attracting the best talents as soon as they leave university. One-third of our team is under 35. All these factors mean we should be able to achieve our five-year targets, doubling our protection and our NBI.

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