Gregory Centurione (Value Partners): a 'one stop shop' for alternative funds
Ten years after its creation, Value Partners is still enjoying double-digit growth thanks to its tailor-made approach. We met its CEO and founder, Gregory Centurione.
Can you introduce Value Partners in a few words?
Our group was established in 2012, with the idea of adopting a business model particularly suited to the alternative funds industry - in Private Equity and Real Estate - banks and multinationals. In these industries, we identified an open space in the market that we could fill by focusing on quality, proactivity and responsiveness. Since obtaining our PSF license in 2019, through our subsidiary VPsf, we have been offering a 'one stop shop' strategy to our clients including accounting, consolidation, corporate tax, VAT, corporate services, AML/KYC and fund admin services. Today, with more than 120 employees, we assist more than 2000 entities in the market and have an average annual growth rate of more than 30%. In my opinion, we are recognised for our qualitative approach and for our strong culture, focused on the well-being of our talents.
" We recruit by focusing our attention on the value and personality of candidates, as well as their desire and values”

What is the key to a good culture in your company?
I think it is appropriate to distinguish several major aspects. First of all, we provide a personal development perspective for each of our employees. Our VP training centre offers permanent training through 120 courses accessible to all our employees. Our growth since 2013 also proves to be a vector of professional development opportunities. Finally, our DNA revolves around respect, collegiality and responsibility. Each member of staff has room for manoeuvre to contribute to the development of the organisation: it is not uncommon to update a process following a proposal from an employee. To conclude on this point, I would add that our attractiveness lies in the benefits of working in an organisation that is close to its talents, in direct contact with the management, while managing very large files. Beyond technical qualities, we recruit by focusing our attention on the value and personality of candidates, as well as their desire and values. Colleagues often become friends and our retention rate approaches 100%.
What risks and opportunities do you identify?
Luxembourg has experienced extraordinary growth over the past decade due to a combination of economic growth, the evolution of the financial sector, regulatory intervention, and increasing international positioning. We are truly becoming a "place to be" and this makes me very optimistic as the margin for development seems significant. However, we must preserve the country's ability to highlight its competitive advantages, especially in a world where uncertainties are likely to increase.