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Frank Jons: chromatic explosions!  

He could have ended up as a partner in an auditing firm, but a job interview convinced him to follow his true calling: painting. Interview.  

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Can you present your career path in a few words?  


I studied to become a chartered accountant and spent seven years setting up cash management systems in companies, notably at Coopers and Lybrand, the forerunner of PwC. At that time, I painted at night and mainly for friends. My painting was rather academic. After a stormy interview with someone from the HR department for a new job, I decided to become an artist. It was a rebellious act! A reaction of a brat in the end. From that moment on, my commitment to my painting was total. And even if sometimes it's a bit rock and roll, I have never regretted this choice. I arrived in Luxembourg at the end of 2000, after spending 8 months in a camping van in the United States and Canada with my wife and our first son, who was 7 months old when we left. My painting really took off when I was lucky enough to be selected for the CAL (Cercle Artistique de Luxembourg) exhibition in 2001. From then on, exhibitions and projects followed one another. 


"Following a stormy interview with the HRD for a new job, I decided to be an artist.”  

Which artists and works inspire you?  


The first artist who inspired me was Maurice Estève. I think he’s a painter who has been collected a lot here in Luxembourg. His exhibition at the Grand Palais in 1986 was a real revelation for me. His very particular way of treating colour and the wisdom that seemed to emanate from this man fascinated me. There have been other painters of course - Poliakoff, Kandinsky, De Staël, Hockney - but Estève was my entry into this painting adventure. Since then I feel close to two other artists, especially through their vision of the creative act: Fabienne Verdier and Pierre Soulages. It's been a long time since I was inspired by artists, because it's important to follow one's own path, to go deep inside oneself to find what one wants to tell. I believe that it is nature that inspires me. It’s during my hikes that I have been taking in the mountains for a few years that I draw my inspiration and that I reconnect with the universe. 


What effect do you want to produce with your work?  


What is important for me is to transfer all the energy that is in me to the canvas. I think that's why people like my paintings. For the special way I use colour. I know it feels good, because I hear it often. I'm a kind of cook with colour. For all these years I’ve been writing a kind of diary that reflects my emotions. What I am is in my painting. I don't cheat, against all odds I trace my path.   

Getting away with it (150 x 130), 2022 (1).jpeg

Getting away with it 

La belle surprise (150 x 140), 2022 (1).jpeg

La belle surprise 

I love you so (160 x 140), 2022 (1).jpeg

I love you so

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