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Fabio Morvilli (Italo-Luxemburg Chamber of Commerce): 30 years of building relationships

Founder and volunteer President of the CCIL for three decades, President of the Belgian-Italian Chamber of Commerce, and Consul of San Marino, Fabio Morvilli tells us how the CCIL is changing.


Fabio Morvilli, please describe the activities of the CCIL in a few words


The Camera di Commercio Italo-Lussemburghese is constantly evolving. The Chamber's team, under the direction of Mrs. Luisa Castelli, who has also been with the CCIL for 26 years, is particularly motivated to carry out all the traditional activities of such a body, as well as in its more innovative actions. Our historical role includes assistance to Italian companies coming to Luxembourg – in particular helping with business permits from the Ministry of the Middle Classes – as well as Luxembourg companies interested in the Italian market. In addition, we respond to requests from companies to make contact with the 80 associations of the global network of Italian Chambers of Commerce in 56 countries. The one in Singapore, for example, could connect us with a company seeking contacts and an introduction to the Luxembourg market. In addition, we offer two "post lauream" professional master’s degrees in finance, in collaboration with the House of Training and PwC Academy, which attract young Italian graduates to the Grand Duchy. Finally, we organize with the Italian Embassy in Luxembourg activities to promote appreciation of and connections around design, cuisine and tourism. Our Chamber of Commerce is also active in the protection of authentic products which are genuinely "Made in Italy", including the "True Italian Taste" program which protects food products against counterfeiting.


“We must continue the positive dynamics of exchanges between Italy and Luxembourg.”


Have you ever measured the Italian impact on the Luxembourg economy?


It's very difficult, because companies whose majority shareholder is Italian are Luxembourg entities. The Embassy mentions 33,000 nationals, including those with dual nationality. In the past, we saw up to 20 Italian banks, compared to six today. But investment funds largely compensate for this. We are pleased to have contributed to the arrival of 600 young Italians into the Luxembourg labor market over the last twelve years, through our master’s programs. They represent the best ambassadors of the Italian spirit because they come from across Italy: the far south, the north, the lakes, the coast, and the beautiful countryside. During a promotional trip to Florence with Ministers Gramegna and Fayot, I ended my speech by saying: "Look at the dots on my tie, they each represent a good reason to come to Luxembourg". A few days later, a young man came to the CCIL and told us that the speech on the tie had acted as a trigger, and we have been working for 30 years for this reason. Such arrivals benefit both our countries.


What goals are you setting for the next decade?


We are working on three main areas: first of all, we will continue our efforts in the training of young people, because the relationship between Italy and Luxembourg remains ideal in my eyes. Secondly, as the CCIL has already given proof of its creativity during the current special period – with, for example, tastings of Italian products sent to participants' homes, and with Massimo Bottura speaking on Zoom – we will have to prepare to redouble our efforts to promote tourism, events and networking events, as soon as the health situation allows it. Flights to Milan have increased enormously in recent years, and new routes will open. We must continue the positive dynamics of exchanges between Italy and Luxembourg. Finally, I think that space mining is of great interest to Italian companies. The Italian Embassy recently organized a conference with the Luxembourg Space Agency, in which we took an active part. This sector presents great opportunities.

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