Eva Guet (360-box.com): The Disruptive Corporate Video

The 360Box took full advantage of the Covid crisis and further accelerated its development in 2021 with new functions that challenge traditional models of video production, conferences and e-conferences. Interview.
Can you explain the success of the 360Box in a few words?
I think three central points explain its success: Compatibility, accessibility and the business model. On the compatibility side, the 360Box works on all platforms: Zoom, Webex, Teams, Hoppin, Livestorm, Skype and GotoWebinar, etc. We also offer a reward of three videos worth €4,500 to anyone who can find a platform compatible with its webcam which does not work with the 360Box! Then accessibility: Anyone can make professional videos, integrate a PowerPoint, play videos, with a simple joystick and without any editing. Finally, we offer an unbeatable model, which includes the hardware - cameras, lights, computer, microphone, green screen - technical support and training from €30 per day. On October 14, more than 25 owners of a 360box from France, Luxembourg, Belgium and Italy gathered to discuss and deepen their knowledge. The 360Box is more than a studio: It's a real community. Our clients can focus on what really matters: Coming up with ideas for videos, writing scripts, recording and broadcasting!
"The only problem with such innovation is that it scares the traditional providers"
What are the major recent developments?
The biggest revolution concerns the organization of large conferences: We have signed a contract with the European Convention Center Luxembourg which makes the 360Box a "preferred partner." This partnership crowns more than 500 interviews and prestigious conferences organized for ATEL, ACA, LPEA, FARAD, Mangrove, Chahine Capital and Alrim - with a failure rate of zero percent and unique special effects. This is easily explained: Where “historic” companies arrive with two trucks and eight technicians, we come by car with a small team. This of course lowers the cost - a customer saved €15,000 in one day - but above all avoided the complexity of the assembly. Thanks to our programmable joystick system, we can guarantee a dress rehearsal four hours after our arrival, where most providers are still lost in the complexity of their connections. The two other new features in the “360Box mini” allows four people located in different places in the world to interact at the same time and the synchronization of motorized cameras programmable in one click on our joystick.
How do you see the future?
We are currently thinking about raising funds to further accelerate our development. We are now carrying out demonstrations in five countries. However, we need to improve our capacity to establish partnerships with local actors. The only problem with such innovation is that it scares the traditional providers! On the innovation side, we are constantly developing new virtual studios - space station, art gallery, TV studio - to boost our clients' videos and we are developing solutions to help them maximize the distribution of their videos internally and externally. Thanks to a strategy combining Linkedin and newsletters, ATEL's annual conference, for example, has exceeded 20,000 views while the association has only 300 members. For the EIB, we have exceeded 100,000 views thanks to a dedicated site. We also offer an e-learning platform to facilitate the distribution of training videos recorded by our clients, internally and externally. There is also a way to play on the strength of the user community to share certain content.